109-Year-Old Woman Says Secret To Long Life Is Avoiding Men

The oldest living woman in Scotland (109yrs. old) -- says in the interview that the only secret to her longevity is to eat your porridge and avoid men, yes you heard it right. Her name is Centenarian Jessie Gallan, never married, she was born in a very tiny two-room farm cottage where she slept "top-to-tail" with her is her five sisters and a brother on a straw mattress this was reported by theThe Daily Mail.

She said that the "secret to a long life has been always staying away from men. She said

They're just more trouble than they're worth." She noted that she also "made sure that I got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married."

Last year when she already turned 108, she was able to credit her porridge -- but not avoiding men -- as the only reason for her longevity.

Last year, a national survey of centenarians in the United States has found that the secrets to long life include time with family, commitment to fitness and plenty of time with friends.


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