Loose Teeth Dream - What Does It Mean?

This kind of dream includes losing teeth one by one, crumbling teeth,  missing one tooth, rotting of teeth and growing crooked.

Loose teeth in a dream generally represent:

a. Things are loosening up
b. Instability in your life
c. Ambivalence about committing to a decision or direction

Dreaming of loose teeth indicate that you may feel unsettled or unsure about what to do regarding an important matter in your waking life. This dream symbol typically represents a state of instability or indecisiveness.

While this kind can have several multiple meanings, teeth dreams are common during transition phases in one’s life for example: women going through menopause.

Teeth usually symbolize power and confidence. Falling of teeth may mean you are feeling powerless or anxious in a certain situation.

In Chinese lore, if someone loses their teeth in a dream, it's believed to be more of a punishment for lying, and in Greek culture it means that a family member or close friend is sick or even near death.


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