Baby Born With Similar Wounds of Jesus Attracts Thousands Of Believers in The Philippines

I'm sure you already have seen the stigmata of Jesus Christ, He got it from being crucified on a cross and also from the crown of thorn the he wore. You will be shocked that a baby who was born in the Philippines has the same sores on his hands, face and feet it really resembles the stigmata of Jesus Christ.

He is Jejomar Castillo. He weighs 3.2 kg. Merlyn Cruz Ph.D. , a microbiological expert, says that the the baby has a very rare syndrome causing this condition known as localised purpura that often characterised by skin discoloration.

“I have to admit that this is an amazing case” Only a handful of similar cases have been recorded throughout history, and it’s the first time on a baby, so the scientific knowledge accumulated about his pathology is very scarce. We are doing a series of tests to determine what these sores actually are and what is causing them to appear, but we have found nothing yet", Doctor Cruz further explained.

Because of the event, a lot of filipinos gathered outside the Quezon City General Hospital for a vigil prayer.

Believers stayed in the area, continuously chanting statements such as "Thank you God for sending Jejomar" and "Welcome to the Saviour." 

Baby Born With Similar Wounds of Jesus Attracts Thousands Of Believers!More here:

Posted by WowViral Video on Wednesday, July 15, 2015


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