If you are and ALDBU Fan, you're one of those people who wants to hear the real voice of Maine also known as Yaya Dub.
Well good thing you came here becasue we got the video from her own youtube channel. Yes you heard it right. So here we go.

This is what Yaya Dub said on the video:
"Whatever Happened to Chivalry?"
"Does it only exist in 80's movies?
I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window.
I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey.
I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me.
I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me.
JUST ONCE, I want my life to be like an 80's movie,
preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason.
But no, not John Hughes did not direct my life."
Posted by WowViral Video on Sunday, August 16, 2015