Stuck in a drain: This girl demonstrates why texting while walking is dangerous

A teenager's entire leg was stuck in a drain while walking down a street in Mianyang City, in southwest China.

She was texting while walking then accidentally stepped on a drain.

Onlookers tried to help but realized to call emergency to pull the teenages leg from the drain. Her leg was removed from the drain after 45 Minutes.

“We managed to remove the bars and quickly freed her once we arrived at the scene,” Fire brigade spokesman Ming Lai said.
“Her leg was a bit scratched and bruised and numb from being squeezed through the bars, but she quickly recovered and did not need hospital treatment.” 
Eyewitness Jun Niu who posted snaps online said: “She was more embarrassed than anything else, she covered her face up with her hands when people were gathered around and it was clear she didn’t want to be there. 
“She was incredibly thin though, I reckon normally nobody would be able to get their foot down there but the bars were a bit bent so I guess that was why it happened.”


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