If Kathniel is for teens, ALDUB loveteam is for all ages. That's the difference between the two emerging loveteams here in the Philippines.
Aldub just started as an accident as Yaya Dub told one of her friends in the set that she has a crush on Alden.
That's when the creative team set them up on a split screen then Yaya Dub got surprised when she saw Alden on the split screen. That's how it all started. This is like a one of a kind opportunity that the two took advantage of rewarding them with a lot of blessings.
The fans love them because of how they treat the fans and how they act on kalyeserye. Their willing to give up everything just to make their fans happy.

Juts like what happened on the first Yackie wedding where Yaya Dub collapsed. Even she's not feeling well, she make it a point to go to work whatever happens. That's the indication that she is really dedicated with her work.