This is a very alarming story of a Father who let his daughter drown rather than being touched by other men to rescue her. Some think it has something to do with the man's religion belief.
Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah, Deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department, said the incident had stuck with him.

He said: “The kids were swimming in the beach when suddenly, the 20-year-old girl started drowning and screaming for help.
“Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl.
“However, there was one obstacle which prevented them from reaching the girl and helping her.
“This obstacle was the belief of this Asian man who considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her. It cost him the life of his daughter.”
According to Lt Col Burqibah, the man became too aggressive, just keep on pulling the rescue men away from the water and said
“he prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man”.
The girl died in the incident but Lt Col Burqibah said she could have been saved as they were “so to her to pull her out of the water” when her father intervened.
Posted by WowViral Video on Saturday, August 22, 2015