Lola Nidora Died

This is the latest story for kalyenews, Lola Nidora died while trying to say something but she wasn't able to finish it.

She was trying to say something regarding Alden, but unfortunately she died and was immediately rushed to the hospital.

This kalyenews is getting more exciting as the story unfolds making way for us to watch the love story of Yaya Dub and Alden. Is it for real now? or just part of the script.  The latest thing Alden was he was able to write on his Whiteboard saying " Alden loves Maine" . So I think it has a meaning, it was suppose to be Yaya Dub not Maine. So I think this is for real now. Let's just watch and follow this series. Please share to your wall. Thank You!

What do you think will happen next?


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