Good Times With Mo Episode Banned from Airing After Model Abby Poblador Admits Sex/Affair with Married Top PBA Executive

A recent GtwMt episode was banned from airing because of legal issues regarding what Abby Poblador said.

This is the statement of Mo Twister.

"Right when I am about to sleep I get word we're having problems with last nights @GTWMPodcast episode. Now I am too pissed to sleep," said Gumatay on his @DJMoTwister Twitter account shortly after informing the fans of a very interesting interview. 
"There is an unfortunate hold on Wednesday's episode (with Poblador) but Thursday's episode should be available shortly," he added. 
"I'll be honest, it's not a network thing but a legal thing. In past seasons, we've done the same thing but this one is higher profile so I understand the frustration. I'm upset too but the internet does not have laws," said Gumatay.


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