Yaya Dub Cries Her Heart Out

Do you know the reason why Yaya Dub is crying here? It's because she really miss Alden. When do you think would be their first meet up? Everyone is so excited to see it.

Maine Mendoza, popularly known as Yaya Dub is a love interest of Alden known for the loveteam AlDub.

But Lola Nidora is against their romance as it is opposed to the guy he wanted Yaya Dub to marry, Frankie Arenoli ( Jose Manalo )

The wedding was already set on August 8, 2015. During the wedding ceremony, Yaya Dub can be seen live on Television (GMA 7)  being uncomfortable and co-host Jose Manalo, who plays as Frankie Arinolli, could be seen whispering to Yaya Dub with a bit concern. Shortly after, Yaya Dub suddenly collapsed and it was caught by the camera.

All the staffs were clearly shocked as they panickingly attended to Maine ( Yaya Dub ) .  Good thing she is fine now. And the story goes on again.


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