University of the Philippines Ghost Has Been Found?

University of the Philippines (UP)

1. Ikot Jeepney

The Ikor Jeep is a pillar of UP culture having around since its early years. However, there are strange events surrounding it too.

A girl was on her way to her dorm one night and found herself alone in the Ikot Jeep. When they were nearing the dorm, the driver glanced at the girl through the rear view mirror and instead of stopping he carried on driving. The driver veered away from the regular route and into a darker, unpopulated road. Suspicious, the girl requested to be dropped at her dorm. The driver complied but before she got off the jeep he told her to burn her clothes as soon as she gets to her dorm. When the girl asked why, he told her that he saw her headless through the rear view mirror and tried to get rid of the demon following her.

Another story involved a boy hailing an Ikot Jeep late at night. Instead of climbing up inside, he chose to cling on the railings of the jeep’s rear end. The driver asked for him to sit inside. He was about to answer that the jeepney was already full, when he realized that it was empty.

2. Wilfrido Ma. Guerero Theater

The ghost named “Marisa” is said to reside in the second floor of Palma Hall where the theater is located. Some say that she was a famous star of the university’s theater productions, but was soon overshadowed by younger, more talented newcomers. Grief and jealousy overpowered her, so she committed suicide by hanging herself on stage in full costume.

It is said that she still haunts the stage and her old dressing room. Sometimes she also makes her presence felt by joining the chorus performances and in very rare instances even showing up onstage.

3. Benitez Hall 

One of the oldest buildings in the campus and with that it is also one of the most haunted. Reports say that an artist who did a portrait of the departed Dean Benitez, mixing the dean’s ashes into the paint mixture. Every night, the dean is said to come out from the painting and roam the halls of the said building, sometimes even observing the new professor’s practice lectures.


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