OMG! Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator

This is a quite disturbing news as you cannot believe that these things can also happen.

Rupert Darwin is 59 yrs. He has kept a 12 foot alligator tied and blindfold for the last month and he sexually assault the reptile multiple times a day according to reports.

The witness heard Darwin say, “next time you try to kill a man, you best get the job done. Now you’re my bitch forever.” 
“It was the damn strangest thing I’ve ever seen,” the witness told police. “The gator didn’t even move. It was like it didn’t give a s**t that man was having sex with it.”

Darwin’s police statement:

The gator tried to eat me and this was revenge, pure and simple. I don’t have no sexual attraction to gators, but I wanted to teach this bitch a lesson. I could have just killed her, but that would have been too easy. She was getting what she deserved. 
Darwin also told police he had planned to chop off the alligator’s tail and pull her teeth as part of his revenge scheme and had even considered performing noise torture on the reptile by playing what Darwin described as “nigger music” over and over. 
Darwin claimed the alligator had gotten a hold of his pant leg when he was fishing in a swamp and tried to drag him into the water. Darwin was able to escape without injury, but that had set his resolve to get revenge. 
The alligator is being treated for relatively minor injuries and is expected to be released back into the wild within a couple weeks.


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